Much of my sculpture is integrated within the context of ‘whole environment’ projects; however, it also works independently of the whole space. These smaller carvings are the basis of my current studio practice and are the pieces that I most enjoy making. My studio work, which also uses wood and found materials, expands the potential to develop and diversify the visual language of small-scale sculpture. I try to give this work a hieratic and magical quality, building in visual clues to understanding works that are predominantly led by the process of making.
Much of my studio work is inspired by nature, poetry, music and references to ancient sites and archaeological finds. This is the type of work that is most enjoyable to make. Two of my favourite pieces are ‘Celtic Sea Goddess’ and ‘ Winged Offertory Box’.
Commissions are taken for unpriced work using displayed work as a style or media reference e.g. ‘Celtic Sea Goddess’ which is sold, could be a starting point for a similar work subject.
All prices are exclusive of transportation.